Group Exercise

Are you a student that’s Interested in running a class at the Rec, such as dance, strength exercise, relaxation, kickboxing, aerobics, or something else? Reach out to Laura Pierce at to get started! 


Jenna is a proud 2015 alum of Fitchburg State’s nursing program. One of her favorite school memories is going to group exercise classes with her friends, and she is thrilled to offer that experience to today’s campus! Jenna is a 200-hr RYT, certified in Vinyasa, Yin, and Buti® Yoga. She found yoga at a low point in her life and has grown passionate about sharing its healing properties. She is fascinated by the nervous system, trauma recovery, and the importance of movement and laughter to our overall health. She can’t wait to meet you on the mat!

Some examples of classes that Jenna will offer are below. A full list and schedule of specific classes can be found HERE

Yin Yoga

Reset and prepare for the week with this slow and purposeful style of yoga. We spend most of our daily lives in a Yang state - active, alert, task-oriented, and driven by the sympathetic “fight or flight” part of the nervous system. Yin yoga seeks to relax the mind and body into a parasympathetic “rest and digest” state through supported postures done one at a time. Longer holds allow tension to leave the body effortlessly. Class will include guided meditation, props to optimize comfort and release, and 3-5 minute holds per posture done primarily on the floor. Feel free to bring your favorite props, pillows, or blankets of your own too! 

Gentle Yoga Flow

A blend of Hatha and Vinyasa styles, this class includes basic Yoga postures sequenced together in a “flow,” safely working towards a peak pose before settling down into guided rest. Get in tune with your own body by connecting breath to movement. This style is active but not vigorous and will include lying, seated, kneeling, and standing postures. Participants are encouraged throughout class to choose the level of difficulty that suits their needs. 

Buti® Yoga

No, it’s not all about your butt! Buti® is an Indian Marathi word meaning “A hidden cure.” It is a fast-paced, energetic, freeing practice set to loud music. The cells of our body have memory, and they store trauma. This intuitive style seeks to disrupt our cells’ normal patterns in order to release that trauma. Buti® combines traditional yoga poses with rhythmic, primal movement and is guided by where the music takes us rather than by a set plan. This is a judgment free zone where vocalization and expression are encouraged. Dance, shake, laugh, wiggle, and stretch!

**Instruction on Buti-specific movements will be given in the ten minutes before each class starts, be sure to make it early at least once to learn!**